Introducing Stochastica…
entirely new, 1000x faster simulation for system-level EMC design
Enabled by wave power flow statistics technology
- Manages the uncertainty of EM environment threats
- No numerical meshing; no Monte-Carlo iterations
- 1000x faster than numerical full wave solvers
- System-level model for COUPLED conducted emissions (CE) AND radiated emissions (RE)
Statistical simulation-based EMC design
At higher frequencies, EMC simulation needs to capture complex radiated emissions (RE), in addition to conducted emissions (CE) which dominate at low frequencies. Unlike numerical full wave electromagnetics simulation, statistical EM simulation assumes from the outset that BOTH EMC environment threats are uncertain AND high frequency performance of the as-built hardware is also uncertain. This allows statistical reduction of Maxwell's equations so that EMC modelling is simpler and faster. The simplified model predicts only the statistically significant Maximum, Mean and Minumum Expected electric fields and cable currents.
Integrating EMC in the Electrical and Mechanical Design Process
Electromagnetic compatibility requires a system-level design approach, spanning both electrical/electronic design and mechanical engineering design. Present, test-based engineering means that EMC compliance only enters the design cycle qualitatively - relying on experts' past experience. Numerical, full wave modeling has not been widely adopted as the solution for quantitative, simulation based EMC design, because it requires details typically not available in early design and because modeling effort is too arduous for EMC engineers. A statistical wave physics model by comparison, requires minimal design detail and is much simpler - finally removing the barriers to simulation-based EMC design. For the first time, EMC engineers can now provide quantitive analysis and design improvement recommendations from the earliest development phases, using the same Electrical CAD and Mechanical CAD as the system designers.
How does this work? Visit the Statistical EMC pages of our website ...
Contact us if you'd like to learn more ...
We are interested and avaialble to discuss how this new technology could be implemented to improve EMC engineering for your organization
11622 El Camino Real
San Diego, CA, 92130
PO Box 883.
Del Mar, CA 92014